Stop struggling, start scaling

Overcome your growth challenges with solid solutions that are customized to your organization’s unique needs.

You deserve an experienced partner

I’m Roger Mitchell and I help people like you achieve results.

Running a growth-oriented organization does not mean you need to constantly feel stuck battling business processes that don’t scale with systems that don’t improve your efficiency as your people are running around fighting fires.

It’s time to tame the flame and reignite sustainable growth.

Collaborating together with your knowledge and my 14 years of experience across 20 industries with over 100 clients, we will uncover the bottlenecks that are holding you back. I help you design and deliver pragmatic solutions to the problems that you know about, plus those that you haven’t discovered yet.

Let’s start unpacking your problems and solving them today.

Starting with an intro call, you will share what you want to achieve and provide background on your organization, and we will figure out how I can support you.

Let’s unlock your potential together

Continuous Consultation

You get an expert on speed dial.

Get advice and hands-on help framing and solving problems as your organization evolves.

Embrace continuous improvement.

If you want flexibility to change priorities and consistency with a trusted consultant, this is a great fit.

Your peers are using this to:

  • Discover the art of the possible for their organizations

  • Improve the solutions designed by their internal teams

  • Deliver process and technology optimizations on a regular cadence

  • Control quality delivered by other consulting firms

Immersive Intensives

You need results delivered fast.

Clear the decks and make work happen during an immersive project ranging from one day to two weeks long.

Commit to getting it done.

If you are ready for change, action-oriented, and can carve out significant blocks of time to be present and available, this is a great fit.

Your peers are using this to:

  • Define roadmaps for large-scale changes to processes and systems

  • Design go-to-market strategies for new productized services

  • Build prototypes and end-to-end features with technology

  • Integrate acquired entities into their organization

Courses & Clinics

You like to learn with a guide.

Level up your skills and knowledge with self-paced courses and clinics led by an experienced practitioner.

Take control of your destiny.

If you like to learn at your own pace or prefer the structure of a guided, onsite hands-on workshop, this is a great fit.

Your peers are using this to:

  • Learn soft skills around productivity and critical thinking

  • Gain foundational knowledge of specific technology platforms

  • Dive deep into specific products with self-paced modules

  • Empower teams to become self sufficient